Selected Publications

Song Night—at—The Missouri Review

(a father discovers his daughter has taken up smoking cannabis)

Oh, You’re a Mean, Old Daddy—at—Brevity

(my daughter asks a question about a Joni Mitchell song, and I answer)


(a spider gives the woman who dreamed him the creeps)

The Damn Thing ——at——The Adroit Journal

(the mother of a colicky baby tries to solve her problem via unfamiliar wildlife)

Search for Supple Buns ——at—— Sundog Lit

(in which a man goes to the zoo, in search of supple buns)

Zillow Games ——at—— AGNI

(a woman grows obsessed with Zillow, while her husband plays a dangerous game)

Nothing Comes Back from the Dump —— at —— Electric Literature

(an essay on my daughter’s obsession with the movie Inside Out)

Guy Stuff —— at —— Kenyon Review Online

(a young woman sits in a basement with her date and things get weird)

Jackbeetle —— at —— Crazyhorse

(a homeowner is tormented by an insect with a vendetta)

Dolphin Adventure —— at —— Heavy Feather Review

(a man catches his wife cheating on him, only to learn he has crossed into another dimension and needs to go back)

Weird Pig —— at —— Copper Nickel

(this is the story that started it all)

Complete List of Publications


     Weird Pig. Southeast Missouri State UP, 2020.

     I Am Here to Make Friends. Sundress Publications, 2020.

     Among Other Things. Pleiades Press, 2017.



     “Weird Pig.” The Best Small Fictions 2018. Eds. Aimee Bender and Sherrie Flick.

Braddock, PA: Braddock Avenue Books, 2018. 46-49.

     “Answers.” Utne Reader 183 (2014): 36.

     “Cadiz, Missouri.” The Pushcart Prize XXXVIII: Best of the Small Presses 2014 Edition.

Ed. Bill Henderson. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 2014. 508-19.


Short Fiction

     “Elsa’s Home.” Pleiades (forthcoming 2024).

     “Jurassic Park Revisited.” The Laurel Review (forthcoming 2024).

     “Bleed.” Puerto Del Sol (forthcoming 2024).

     “Game Night.” BULL. 9 June 2024. <


     “Coming to You Live from the Road Complaints Office.” Lake Effect 28 (2024): 41-51.

     “Lean Against It.” Sonora Review. 20 December 2023. <


     “Song Night.” The Missouri Review 46.4 (2023): 60-80.

     “Slow Fruit.” New Ohio Review.  8 December 2023.  <


     “Fire Station.” Beloit Fiction Journal 36 (2023): 126-38.

     “Mauler.” Rejection Letters. 3 January 2023.


     “A Night without Armor.” X-R-A-Y. 18 November 2022. <


     “Studies in Urology, Scenario 761.” TRNSFR 8 (2022) 33-48.

     “Masters of Sex.” Permafrost 43.2 (April 2022). <


     “Muffins Are Good for You.” Puerto del Sol 57.1 (2022): 64-75.

     “Darling Frauke.” Willow Springs 88 (2021): 81-99.

     “Monica the Fool.” Laurel Review  53.2 (2021): 53-7.

     “Dolphin Adventure.” Heavy Feather Review. 28 April 2021.


     “Ziggy and the Gut Worms.” Sprung Formal 16 (2021): 42-7.

     “The Damn Thing.” The Adroit Journal 36. January 2021.


     “That Tragic Day.” Monkeybicycle. 17 July 2020. <


     “Search for Supple Buns.” Sundog Lit. February 2020. <


     “Hannah Vechter and the Mockup Man.” Harvard Review 55 (2020): 169-92.

     “Sex Cantaloupes from OS (Outer Space).” Shirley Magazine. February 2020.


     “Weird Pig Meets Owen Flye.” Chicago Quarterly Review 29 (2019): 37-48.

     “The Creeper.” The Worcester Review 40:1&2 (2019): 80-87.

     “Ragnarök.” The Massachusetts Review 60.2 (2019): 339-353.

     “Guy Stuff.” Kenyon Review Online. May/June 2018. <


     “Zillow Games.” AGNI 87 (2018): 9-25.

     “The Vinyl Canal.” Willow Springs 81 (2018): 18-40.

     “Jackbeetle.” Crazyhorse 92 (2017): 94-103.

     “Peanut Butter.” Barrelhouse 17 (2017): 22-6.

     “Grace.” The Laurel Review 50.1 (2017): 4-10.

     “Lost Origins.” The Chattahoochee Review 36:2/3 (2016/2017).

     “Enjoy the Clams.” Qu: A Contemporary Literary Journal 5 (2017): 3-9.

     “Black Telephone.” New Ohio Review 20 (2016): 101-11.

     “Awe.” Cincinnati Review 13.1 (2016): 86-99.

     “Eliza.” Exit 7 5 (2016): 57-61.

     “Small People.” The Collagist. 5 Mar 2016. <


     “Sympathy for the Devil.” Redivider 12.1 (2015): 93-108.

     “Vonwürdig.” Booth. 31 Oct 2014.


     “Appraisals.” Hobart. 5 Feb 2014. <>.

     “Problem Week.” Another Chicago Magazine 52 (2014): 48-53.

     “The Man with the Nightmare Gun.” Willow Springs 72 (2013): 57-71.

     “On Brian’s Dreams of Submarines.” Mid-American Review 33.2 (2013): 59-75.

     “The Story of Herman Melville and His Masterpiece Moby-Dick.” Quarter After Eight

19 (2013): 122-7.

     “Turkey of the Woods.” Indiana Review 34.2 (2012): 155-60.

     “Cadiz, Missouri.” AGNI 75 (2012): 93-105.


Creative Nonfiction

     “The Great Bixby” and “The Grace Cummings Challenge.” Copper Nickel (forthcoming


     “Oh, You’re a Mean, Old Daddy.” Brevity. 16 January 2023.


     “Surrogate Father Simulator 2.” Cartridge Lit . 28 July 2022.


     “Varieties of Short Fiction.” Copper Nickel 34 (2022)116-25.

     “Olympia Traveller de Luxe.” New Ohio Review (2020).


     “SS Vasectomy: The Maiden Voyage.” Zone 3 34.2 (2019): 56-66.

     “Whatever Happened to Huckleberry Finn?: Four Recent Huck Finn Sequels.” The

Missouri Review 40.4 (2017): 175-86.

     “Nothing Comes Back from the Dump.” Electric Literature. 13 Jan 2017.



     “I Haven’t Met Robert Coover.” Tusculum Review 12 (2016): 72-5.

     “Jigsaw Puzzle.” River Teeth 17.1 (2015): 25-7.

     “Why I Write Nonfiction.” Copper Nickel 20 (2015): 105-13.

     “Dirty Laundry.” Fourth Genre 16.1 (2014): 59-64.

     “Answers.” Pleiades 33.2 (2014): 138-40.

     “Boxes.” Third Coast 36 (2013): 47-55.

     “Carlo.” American Literary Review 24 (2013): 21-35.

     “Guts.” The Cossack Review 2 (2012): 52-7.

     “James and the Giant Noise Violation.” The Journal 36.1 (2012): 136-51.

     “The Emperor of Ice Cream.” Cream City Review 35.2 (2011): 47-64.

     “My Skillet and I Are Disappearing.” Southern Indiana Review 17.2 (2010): 99-106.

     “Centripetal Force.” Kestrel 25 (2010): 25-32.

     “Clubs.” Pleiades 30.2 (2010): 130-6.

     “The Most Lifelike Thing in the Room.” Michigan Quarterly Review 49.2 (2010):


     “The Road to Leeks and Pears.” The Yalobusha Review 15 (2010): 72-3.

     “The Importance of Being Somewhere.” Center: A Journal of the Literary Arts 9

(2010): 15-7.

     “Guns and Those Who Brandish Them in Cleveland.” North Dakota Quarterly 76.4

(2009): 126-31.

     “Glass Fibers.” Under the Sun 14.1 (2009): 48-63.

     “Pigs and Eggplant.” Alimentum 8 (2009): 108-13.

     “Playing Dead.” Harpur Palate 8.1 (2008): 107-13.

     “Speak, Walking Stick.” The Massachusetts Review 48.1 (2007): 60-2.

     “Moving Forward.” SLAB 1 (2006): 132-9.


Flash Fiction

     “Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Me” Surely. May 2023.


     “Spider.” Hex. 31 October 2022. <>.

     “Not a Grave” and “Son of Zeppelin.” Exit 7 9 (2022): 34-42.

     “The Most Dangerous Game.” Wigleaf. 24 November 2020.


     “White Chocolate.” Emrys Journal Online. 29 October 2018.


     “Dump Truck.” Jellyfish Review. 22 August 2018.



     “Reactor,” “Janice,” and “Weird Pig.” Copper Nickel 24 (2017): 60-7.

     “Bread,” “The Reading,” “Gilbert the Fox,” and “Life.” Sprung Formal 11 (2016): 68-75.    

     “You Can Do With It Whatever You Want.” Bear Review 2.2 (2016): 39-41.

     “Controversy.” Shirley Magazine 3. 21 Dec 2015.
